Monday, September 13, 2010

Time has come to make a rational change

As I sat down to write this note
my heart sunken in a state of confusion,amidst
with melancholy,outrenge
and despondence as the status quo of youth have been abondanced and this filled my timid heart to the last resort of sobing,this has led to the downfonded to the advancement
of my motherland.This has also captured my mind to remember about good memory which will let us to trace back the history of our elites or nationalists,they were rooted with good foundation that is why they were able to think up and fought for our independence,but youth of this generation are gaining nothing rather than derided with myopic and that is why this hanky-panky is glaring to the absolute zeneath.

The predictions that are often foretold by analysists in our national newspapers about the social vices in every nook of the nation can be seen as the unsupport given to the youth.

Looking at the
political tendency in our country, to be candid,i see nothing called democracy and even if there is not the type of democracy practiced by some nations of the world or the one often defines as" government for the people by the people and for the people".

For instace,we all know the importance of youth in every society and the paramount roles they play in terms of building the nation.But in my motherland youth are nothing rather than a weapons used by some people which to me are unpatriotic.
The fact is right from the inception of
democracy from (1999) to date, we have tasted and seen so many things which are very shameful to our leaders.
Just look at the issue of edecation which is one of the basic tools to be considered and make sure everything is in progress but the fact is there is no good quality of education becouse government failed to provide competent and qualified teachers that is why students always flunk for their final year examination.The schools are seldom in a ramshakable and dilapidated looking.Can this make us to progress while other countries have gone and excel far beyound this.The effect will actually dewindle the advancement of our great nation becouse the future leaders are in a state of woe.

However,Politicians are the people that have been accused often in the other hand, becouse they are the responsible for given drugs and money for the youth as their thugs during an election.
They are the one also make promises in their campaign but nothing you can see tangible after they have get the power.

I often wonder what should be the
future of this great nation if i glare my eyes to see the position of my fellow youth;how they are often been regarded as toothless buldork,I endulged into an
extreme sob seen the output of it.

Though we are in the democratic era but to be frank there is no any distinctive and
tangeable good things as promised before like education, job
opportunities,health services,defence name them, tremendous people are
scaveging around the nooks
looking for job.All these
supposed to have been equipped by the government to the citizens as mandated
in their neck,but they failed to do so and in the process only few are enjoying the good lexury of the national cake.

I'm so much skeptical about the way things are going on, masses are been died for hunger and stervation but our leaders are paraded with flashy cars which have become rampant across
our cities.

We must debunk becouse at this political
mess some top and lower
politicians are now in a hurry and uproar,searching the
best weapons that should be
used as their political thugs in
the next coming election. Is that
political mess and hullbaloo should make our
nation to be pointed out and
listed among the top 20
Advanced nation in the world in
the year 2020?

Contrary to that extent,we are in
a situation where some leaders
are not the choice of the people
rather, they are the choice of
their own personal plaver.That is
why we lacked the practical
precedures from which the people
concerned on how democrcy
should be prcticalised, therefore people need to be enlighted and provided with inadquate information on
the paramount of their votes.If care is not taking these myopia must
obiviously hindere and subdue
the progress of our nation as we are now.

We thank God for His mercy and
kindness,through the innovations
of new technology like this internet there is tendency of dessiminating an information so easily which will help the people
to find out what is going on within their melieu,and have an insight to express their concern.This would
actually play a vital role in the next
coming election.

We want to have free and fair election as often refeated by the president GEJ that he would conduct freiest and fairest election that would be accepted to everyone,we hope so becouse we want to be subjected out of the
assertions lavelled against our
country as corrupt nation contaminated
with uncurable viruses.Therefor enough is enough, we want to
enjoy the dividence of
democracy as the other people are testing in their country.But this can only be acheived when a
formidable efforts have been put
in place,that is to say we must
make sure that those we have
casted our
votes to represent our whims
and caprices are
eligeble,credible,as well as
physically motivated by a
qualities demanded while chosen a leader.

We should not be fatique at all cost to ask each candidate a series of question about
his menifestation before we
give our mandate to him.

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