Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dreaming About You... Again

Sitting in the dark tonight
Alone in my corner of the world
I can't see the light
I want to be your girl

Or do I? I don't know...
I really have no clue
I feel like I have no where to go
Because I'm so in love with you

Miles separate us
And so I thought I didn't have to
I thought I could escape the lust
God, I have so much to learn

I've been living a lie
I wish I was yours, still
I pretended I haven't wished
that, by and by
But in my heart I know I always

I can't come out and tell
How I dream about you every
My life seems like a living hell
Because without you it isn't right

I want to just call you mine
And let you hold me close
But I've got to give this time
I want your love the most

You seem so angry sometimes
And I wish I could kiss it away
But to my morals that would be
a crime
Yet I wish it every day

It seems like you are so distant
I want to tell you how I feel
But it's impossible, I can't
You wouldn't take me for real

So I sit here in the dark
Quiet but screaming inside
On my heart you've left your
My heart backs down to my

Someday I'll let you know
That I hold this secret within
But now I'll let our friendship
Then with that we can begin

Tonight I'll simply dream
That you are mine to be
I'll smile at us as a team
Then wake to reality

Where nothing is going well
Where I'm lonely without you
I caught you when you fell
Now I fall... what do you do?

S Dogo 2010

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